Avui és un dia especial per mi i ho volia compartir amb vosaltres, el 5 de març és el meu sant, no és que sigui una persona religiosa però qualsevol excusa és bona per celebrar i per fer festa. Si aquest fet ja no era prou important, avui fa exactament 10 anys en Sergi em va venir a buscar a casa, encara no ens coneixíem, jo havia sentit a parlar d'ell i ell de mi, els dos ens vam apuntar a una esquiada a Andorra organitzada per amics comuns. Ens van presentar lo normal, Sergi-Àfrica, Àfrica- Sergi, mua i mua, encantada,... i amb menys de 5 minuts em diu: "pot ser que avui sigui el teu sant? Crec que ho he vist al calendari" i jo que li contesto que si i em felicita i em fa dos petons més, jo vaig pensar "mira'l que espavilat, amb menys de 5 minuts i ja m'ha robat 4 petons!" i em va regalar una peça del porta-esquis que estaven muntant que els hi sobrava (encara la conservo).
Aquell cap de setmana va ser molt intens, jo no havia esquiat mai, com que amb la colla que anaven pràcticament tots estaven aparellats i nosaltres vam encaixar de seguida ell va ser el meu profe particular. Per si l'emoció del moment no fos suficient, dilluns tenia un examen de física i havia d'estudiar, vaig marxar amb tots els apunts,... i després de sopar mentre van anar tots de festa em vaig quedar a l'hotel a repassar. El diumenge de tornada estava destrossada, ens esperaven tres hores de cotxe i li vaig demanar si em deixava la seva espatlla per dormir una estona, vaig dormir pràcticament tot el trajecte, aquella espatlla m'anava a la mida :) Els companys del cotxe van fer moltes bromes, es veu que feiem una bona postal. Els vam fer callar, allò típic de què dieu, no sigueu exagerats! ... Aquest cap de setmana va ser l'inici d'una amistat molt bonica i més....
Un altre dia us explico com continua la nostra particular història, avui simplement celebrem que fa deu anys em va venir a buscar a casa :)
Que tingueu molt bon dia
Today is a very special day to me and I'd like to share it with you, March 5th is my Saint day, I'm not a the religious type but every excuse is good to celebrate and party. If this reason wasn't enough exactly 10 years from now Sergi came to pick me up at home, we hadn't met yet, I had heard about him, and he did about me, we both joined a sky weekend organized by mutual friends. We introduced ourselves as ususall Sergi-Àfrica, Àfrica-Sergi, mua i mua, nice to meet you,... and in about five minutes he said: "It is possible that today is your saint day? I think I saw it on my calendar" and I answered yes and he says happy day and makes me two kisses more and I thought "look how smart, les sthan five minutes and he's stolen me 4 kisses!" and he gave me as a gift a piece of the skis carrer that they had left (and I still have it).
That weekend was really intense, I had never skied before and as the group we were with were almost all couples and we really hit it off immediately so he became my personal teacher. If the excitment wasn't enough I had a physics exam on Monday so I had to study, I left with all my notes and books,... and after dinner while they all went out I stayed at the hotel to study. On Sunday in our way back I was exhausted and we had three hours drive ahead and I asked him if he could lend me his shoulder to sleep a bit, and I slept almost all the way, that shoulder was in the right place :) Our friend made fun of us, it seemed like we made a good picture. We made them shut up but that was the beginning of a really beautiful friendship and more.
One day I'll tell you how the our particular story goes on from there, today we are simply celebrating than 10 years ago he picked me up at home :)
Have a lovely day