divendres, 31 de gener del 2014

Music inside

Bon dia, suposo que ja us haureu adonat que estic remenant el disseny del blog, estic aprenent a configurar-ho i mica en mica el vaig millorant, encara em queda feina per tenir-ho tot bonic, però estic contenta de l'evolució :)

Good morning, I'm sure you've noticed that I'm playing around with the blog design, I'm learning how to configure it and I'm making it better step by step, I still have a lot to do to have it as beatuful as I'd like, but I'm happy with the progress :)

Avui us presento un altre bolso, suposo que com que són peces funcionals que utilitzem cada dia ens agrada tenir-ne molts i combinar-los, aquest concretament està fet amb tela de patchwork i per donar-li un toc li vaig brodar amb vermell els mateixos motius de l'estampat.

Today I'll show you another hand back, I guess that as they are functional pieces and we use one every day we love to have lots of them, this specifically is made with patchwork fabrics and to give it a little colour I embroidered the fabric pattern in red.

Com podeu veure en les fotos del "making off" la Música va per dins, aquest bolso és per una persona molt especial que sempre porta alegria a dins i volia aconseguir que aquesta peça l'acompanyés

As you can see on the "making off" pictures Music goes on the inside, this purse was for a really special person who always have joy and I wanted to achieve a perfect march with this piece.


El blanc i el negre sempre són apostes segures perquè combinen amb tot, espero que us hagi agradat, una abraçada

Black and white are always a winning bet as they're a perfect convination to everything, I wish you've liked it, see you around

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